Professional Background

As therapist and owner, Jennifaye V. Brown, PT, MSPT, PhD, NCS, CAPS takes prides in establishing therapy intervention programs specific for the individual with an emphasis on post-rehabilitation fitness; accommodating individual and caregiver goals; and utilizing her clinical skills and knowledge in neuroscience, neurorehabilitation, motor control and motor learning, neuroplasticity, and neuro-developmental treatment techniques. Dr. Brown has experience in acute care, sub-acute, and acute rehabilitation as well as home health, outpatient and day rehabilitation.

Dr. Brown is a 1990 graduate of the University of Miami with a Master of Science in Physical Therapy. She first became board certified by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) in 1994 and became re-certified for ten-year terms in 2004, 2014 and is currently preparing for her fourth recertification. As an Advanced Credentialed Clinical Instructor by the Clinical Instructor Education Board, Dr. Brown has taught at PT and PTA programs in Georgia, Ohio, and South Carolina (SC).

In 2013, Dr. Brown earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise Science from the University of South Carolina. Doctoral study emphasis was in Motor Control and Physical Therapy. Her dissertation research was in stroke rehabilitation disparities. In 2017, she became a Certified Aging in Place Specialist by the National Association of Home Builders to complement her experience of conducting home evaluations as a physical therapist and providing recommendations for accessibility that accommodate a variety of disabilities. Dr. Brown has taught a physical therapy program course in disabilities management and has extensive experience in the redesign of lived spaces allowing individuals with disabilities to age in place.

Dr. Brown has developed and taught one and two-day continuing education courses on a variety of topics in neurorehabilitation to allied health professionals for continuing education and licensure renewal.

She also has extensive training in gait (walking) analysis, lower extremity splinting (bracing), serial casting and ankle foot orthoses (AFOs) design and fabrication, and neuro-developmental treatment for which she has completed eight courses beyond the 3-week basic course. Dr. Brown has developed a collaborative partnership with a local orthotist group to fabricate AFOs that will accommodate ladies footwear based on a full spectrum gait-related physical therapy examination.

Dr. Brown is a 2020 graduate of the prestigious Fellowship in Education Leadership by the APTA. She is a member of the American Academy of Physical Therapy (AAPT), the Aerobics & Fitness Association of America, and the Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association.

Dr. Brown is licensed in the states of Georgia and South Carolina. For community service, she 1) educates high school and undergraduate/graduate students about financial literacy and how to obtain scholarships and grants as well as assist in preparing them academically to enter a collegiate health career program and 2) how to expeditiously eliminate debt after collegiate graduation.